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So far admin has created 34 blog entries.

Adolf Inkamala

1914 - 1960 Adolf Inkamala portrayed his country sensitively with big straight white-trunked trees like steadfast totems. His compositions seemed to glow, often with the sense of timeless fantasies. Adolf was proud of being an artist and this pride is reflected in his engagement with each painting. Many [...]

Adolf Inkamala2025-02-07T21:36:28+11:00

Gerhard Inkamala

1917 - 1977 Gerhard Inkamala was a founder of the Hermannsburg School. He produced some fine paintings although he was not a prolific artist.    Gerhard appears to have started to paint soon after his older brother Adolf in 1947. Gerhard was quite experimental in his approach. The [...]

Gerhard Inkamala2020-05-07T18:12:10+10:00

Kenneth Entata

1920 - 1966 Kenneth Entata painted to convey visually something of his deep love of country and, in a gentle message, to awaken empathy for traditional life as he experienced it. He seemed to invite visits to the country he portrayed, while consciously encouraging viewers to be sensitive [...]

Kenneth Entata2021-06-15T12:46:37+10:00

Claude Panka

1928 - 1972 Claude Pannka (Emitja) eventually portrayed the totemic hills, as appearing to be floating gently on an ethereal and luminous plain. This was his unique portrayal of his cultural heritage. He conveyed a serene sense of joy. Much of the country thus displayed was not his [...]

Claude Panka2020-05-07T18:12:24+10:00

Lindsay Imbarndarinja

1918 - 1960s Lindsay Imbarndarinja was born at Santa Teresa in 1918. Lindsay Imbarndarinja’s elegant and stylised work was usually very different to that of Albert Namatjira. The artist was very accomplished but did not have a serious career as an artist because his uniquely stylised paintings were [...]

Lindsay Imbarndarinja2020-05-07T18:12:30+10:00

Cordula Ebatarinja

1919 - 1973 Cordula Ebatarinja was the only woman in the boom period of the Hermannsburg School to have a career as a painter. Like her husband, she sometimes minimised detail in order to maximise impact. Her work was characterised by a sense of symmetry or equivalence in [...]

Cordula Ebatarinja2020-05-07T18:12:37+10:00

Benjamin Landara

1921 - 1985 Benjamin Landara (Ebatarinja) was painting in his own somewhat naïve and engaging style, when his father-in-law Albert Namatjira intervened and demonstrated his own approach to composing a painting. In Benjamin’s first stage he had already evolved his capacity to portray his view of the essence [...]

Benjamin Landara2020-05-07T18:12:43+10:00

Herbert Raberaba

1920 - 1980 Herbert Raberaba was a superb artist of classical Hermannsburg School style paintings from the mid-1950s through the 1960s and into the late 1970s. Herbert exuberantly portrayed an exciting country that is dramatic and yet delicate. The ghost gums often appear to be animate bystanders, not [...]

Herbert Raberaba2021-06-15T12:47:54+10:00

Clifford Inkamala

1927 - 1981 Clifford Inkamala created rhythmic paintings in the late 1950s and 1960s. Although painting was not his main career, he created some capable interpretations of his country, and included emus as subjects in the landscape. All of the paintings were painted quickly, eloquently and schematically Clifford [...]

Clifford Inkamala2025-02-07T21:38:16+11:00

Clem Abbott

1939 - 1989 Clem Abbott created idealised scenes of very steadfast rocky cliffs standing on glowing country and backed by often animate blue ranges in the distance. The paintings appear mainly to be based on his romanticised memories of places he knew intimately. He was an important artist [...]

Clem Abbott2020-05-07T18:13:03+10:00
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